The Films | CIA did not kill JFK
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Focus on the movement in the upper right corner

M.K. Davis pinpoints a rifle tracking JFK's limo.  See more at his website


Pergola gunman g i f fDING important.gif
Closeup of rifle tracking JFK
from the Orville Nix film
Rifle tracking JFK

Film expert M.K. Davis exposes a man wearing a policeman's cap tracking JFK's limo with a rifle while hiding behind the stone pergola.


This blown-up and slow-mo film work is taken from the Oliver Nix film.  Be sure to visit our friend Gayle Nix Jackson at her webpage for more about this piece of history.

Gen. Walker has Oswald filmed

We know professional reactionary General Edwin Walker was part of the conspiracy to kill JFK because Walker knows or programs Lee Harvey Oswald's movements in advance.


This film is monumentally important but is difficult to apreciate without some background.  The film starts in Dallas at Gen. Walker's home and later moves to New Orleans, where the filmmaker captures the critical spectacle of Oswald in a police scuffle with Walker's pal Carlos Bringuier.


The film of the interior of Gen. Walker's home at the beginning of the film + the knowledge Oswald would be causing a scene on Canal St. shows that Gen. Walker is either stalking or directing Oswald.

GunmanTrckingJFK annotated.JPG
JohnTMartinFilmAnnotated LHO.JPG

Film credit: The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza collection

Rare full frame of Mark Bell film
BellFilm gunmen supercloseup.JPG
Gunmen close up
Muzzle Flash

After JFK's limo makes the slow and difficult turn onto Elm St., a muzzle flash (or two) appears from the second floor window where the gunmen are seen above in the Bell film.


This is from the Hughes film and is a few seconds after the Bell film frame above.


Lesser dignitaries and press cars are still in the motorcade and have not yet turned onto Elm St.



Jason's muzzle flash slomo attempt.gif
Camera and gunmen location in Dealey Plaza
Mark Bell was stnding on the northwest corner of Main & Houston filming NNE towards the County Records Bilding
Bell Frame Dealey Plaza Satellite View a
Gerda Dunckel found a runner in the Bell film - is he a cop?
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