<Photo: David Atlee Phillips, CIA Chief of Operations for the Western Hemisphere, 1961-1975>
Although I have for years denied that the CIA killed JFK (and I still deny it) I have always acknowledged that there were a few CIA rogues who were involved in the plot. That included E. Howard Hunt (who confessed on his deathbed), and David Sanchez Morales (who confessed to his pal Ruben Carbajal).
Others, like Frank Sturgis, Gerry Patrick Hemming, and David Ferrie -- only pretended to be in the CIA. They were active in New Orleans in the summer of 1963 when Lee Harvey Oswald (LHO) was there -- and he probably believed they really were in the CIA -- and he wanted to be accepted, too (I say).
But David Atlee Phillips is a special case, because he was not only a CIA agent, but a high-ranking CIA officer, who had written a novella manuscript, unpublished, entitled "The AMLASH Legacy" (1987) in which the main character -- a mashup of various CIA officers including himself -- accepted some responsibility for the JFK Assassination.
In his unpublished novel, David Atlee Phillips (aka. Maurice Bishop) explained that he had helped to train LHO to shoot Fidel Castro with a high-powered rifle from a tall building. This was during the summer of 1963, when Oswald was in New Orleans, pretending to be an official Secretary for the FPCC (Fair Play for Cuba Committee).  Unfortunately for Phillips, LHO became part of the plot to kill JFK -- which used the same tactics he had planned for Fidel Castro.
Here is the text by Phillips:
"I was one of the two case officers who handled Lee Harvey Oswald. After working to establish his Marxist bona fides, we gave him the mission of killing Fidel Castro in Cuba. I helped him when he came to Mexico City to obtain a visa, and when he returned to Dallas to wait for it, I saw him twice there. We rehearsed the plan many times: In Havana Oswald was to assassinate Castro with a sniper's rifle from the upper floor window of a building on the route where Castro often drove in an open jeep. Whether Oswald was a double-agent or a psycho I'm not sure, and I don't know why he killed Kennedy. But I do know he used precisely the plan we had devised against Castro. Thus, the CIA did not anticipate the President's assassination, but it was responsible for it. I share that guilt."Â --David Atlee Phillips, 1987
I take these words to be a true confession.
As New Orleans D.A. Jim Garrison had showed as early as 1968, the FPCC branch in New Orleans was a FAKE, and had been planned since 1962 by the right-wing racist, Guy Banister, in cahoots with other radical rightists in the US (likely including Ex-General Edwin Walker – the only US General to resign in the 20th century).
Banister, like most rightists in the US, wanted Fidel Castro dead in a hurry. So did David Atlee Phillips and the whole CIA, who handed out money to anybody who promised to try.
According to Ron Lewis, an ex-Marine in New Orleans in the summer of 1963 who had become Oswald's summer friend, Guy Banister learned that Oswald had tried to shoot General Walker and was blackmailing Oswald to join the plot to kill Fidel Castro.
So – independently, Ron Lewis, David Atlee Phillips, and Jim Garrison agreed on these key points.
In my reading – the main miracle of the TSBD in the JFK Assassination was simply its place in Dealey Plaza – an ideal shooting gallery – perfect for an assassination.
The military precision with which the JFK Assassination was carried out was impressive. Yet for some reason, researchers habitually overlook the fact that a US General who never knew any life but the Army or any school but military school – and was an expert in covert operations – was in an ideal position to see the potential of Dealey Plaza.
For two years General Walker had lived in Dallas, only a couple of miles from Dealey Plaza. No doubt he could quickly see what an ideal, circular bowl that Dealey Plaza provided.  As Jim Garrison exclaimed – it was "triangulation crossfire" which made it "a turkey shoot". The execution was professional, but the planning was just as professional.
The US extreme right wing had drafted Ex-General Walker not only as a spokesman and speechmaker, but also as a leading tactician and strategist in the radical militia Minuteman movement in 1962-1965.Â
My conclusion -- it would not matter where Oswald was in Dallas on November 22, 1963 – he would have been blamed for the JFK Assassination because he had already gone underground as a FAKE officer of the FPCC. He was in newspapers, police reports, radio spots, and even television as such.
There were other possible patsies (e.g., Gerry Patrick Hemming and Loran Hall) but the most perfect patsy, who simply fell into the lap of the Dealey Plaza plotters, was Lee Harvey Oswald.
After reading all 5,000 Warren Commission questions leveled against Ruth Paine, I find nothing at all suspicious about her. Her concern was never Lee Harvey Oswald, but always and only Marina Oswald and her new baby.
If anybody manipulated Oswald to take the job at the TSBD it was more likely a family living close to Ruth Paine – someone moving inside the US radical right wing – working through their wives to manipulate Ruth.
After all, the plotters (e.g., I say, Guy Banister, Edwin Walker, et. al.) knew that Oswald had struck out in Mexico City – failing to get his instant visa into Havana as he had hoped with his amateur FPCC resume. Back in Dallas he had no job, he had no prospects.Â
Anybody who knew this about Oswald had the insight needed to move players around Dallas to get Oswald into position. David Atlee Phillips said he was no part of the Dallas operation, but he accepted the guilt of having trained Lee Harvey Oswald just weeks before the JFK Assassination.
This is a major clue, I say.
Even without Roy Truly. Even without Ruth Paine. The Dallas Minutemen and their sponsors operated like invisible Ninjas. I believe that one day, enough FBI (not CIA) documents will come to light to show that the FBI knew very well (after the fact) that the Dallas Minutemen were behind the JFK Assassination.  One day, soon.
Thank you,
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