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The assassination comes in an era of Radical Right wing violence that lasted about two decades; JFK's murder was but one among dozens in the early 1960s at the hands of Southern segregationists and militant anticommunists.


If you only have a few seconds scroll down the page and read what Joseph Milteer said 2 weeks before the assassination.


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General Walker dismissed by JFK

General Walker dismissed by JFK

The beginning of General Walker's anger towards JFK is the 1961 reprimand and termination of Walker's command.

1961: Walker on FBI radar

1961: Walker on FBI radar

General Walker is a primary figure on the radical right tracked by the FBI since 1961.

Walker Fired

Walker Fired

The FBI kept close watch on General Edwin Walker starting from the time he was fired for exceeding the military's (!) tolerance of right wing ideology. General Walker is a well-funded antagonist to the Kennedy White House and remains a frequent topic in J Edgar Hoover's FBI files.

Walker to JFK 1962 letter

Walker to JFK 1962 letter

Hawkish conservative anti-communists and southern segregationists found their spokesmen in General Edwin Walker.



Second only to the fear of communists, the FBI recorded domestic threats from the Radical Right commanded by General Edwin Walker.

JFK jails General Walker

JFK jails General Walker

In 1961, JFK dismisses General Edwin Walker from his command for indoctrinating right wing ideology onto his troops. In 1962's riots at Ole Miss over the enrollment of African American James Meredith, JFK has General Walker jailed for mental illness. Walker begins a documented connection to Lee Harvey Oswald in April, 1963.

Free General Walker!

Free General Walker!

The Kennedys had General Walker incarcerated in a mental hospital after he incited riots at the University of Mississippi during the registration of black student James Meredith. Walker's racist cause had millions of supporters.

Southern California conservatives

Southern California conservatives

We believe the assassination of President Kennedy begins and ends in Dallas. It has little to do with Washington or Langley although prominent extremists from Southern California, Georgia and elsewhere contributed financially.

General Walker is under surveillance

General Walker is under surveillance

From the moment General Walker is cashiered from his command by JFK, the FBI employs informants and other surveillance on Walker's new role as the face of the Radical Right.

David Ferrie flies Oswald/Hidell?

David Ferrie flies Oswald/Hidell?

We've yet to confirm the provenance of his document but potentially this indicates Alex Hidell, an alias for Lee Harvey Oswald, flew with right wing extremist David Ferrie 2 days before the attack on General Walker in Dallas.

Oswald meets Walker?

Oswald meets Walker?

Lee Harvey Oswald stands accused of firing on General Edwin Walker on 10 April 1963. From then until Oswald's death a few months later, Walker and Oswald share several links culminating in the Kennedy assassination.

Oswald confesses to shooting Walker

Oswald confesses to shooting Walker

Lee Harvey Oswald confessed to shooting General Walker on April 10, 1963.

Oswald on Canal St

Oswald on Canal St

Fleeing Dallas in the days after the attack on General Walker, Lee Harvey Oswald makes a spectacle of himself the New Orleans summer of 1963 posing as a pro-Castro fanatic. By day he hands out Fair Play for Cuba Committee leaflets on Canal St and by night he helps anti-Castro efforts led by Guy Bannister. Click on link for a great video of Oswald.

Oswald's flyers & Banister's office

Oswald's flyers & Banister's office

Why would supposed communist Lee Harvey Oswald use Guy Banister's address on his pro-Castro flyers? Guy Banister is an extreme right winger, a segregationist, and cohort of General Edwin Walker in the Minutemen.

Oswald arrested in New Orleans

Oswald arrested in New Orleans

3 months before the assassination, Lee Harvey Oswald is arrested for an altercation staged by General Walker's associate and John Birch Society member Carlos Bringuier. General Walker has the altercation secretly filmed, proving Oswald's connection to the extreme Right. The pretend "fight" on Canal St. helps build Oswald's legend as a communist nut. The authors of the assassination hoped the American public would see a communist conspiracy in the death of JFK & react accordingly against Cuba.

Carlos Bringuier today

Carlos Bringuier today

Carlos Bringuier is still a convinced John Birch Society figure, just as he was in 1963. Bringuier might be the Rosetta Stone in understanding Oswald's Summer in New Orleans since the ex-Batista loyalist was giving speaking tours with General Edwin Walker. Lee Oswald is officially a Castroite Marxist while in New Orleans, but his buddies are all radical right wingers like Bringuier.

Oswald's John Birch Society record

Oswald's John Birch Society record

The John Birch Society was keen to ensure Oswald portrayed a fanatical communist for the public. Carlos Bringuier and the JBS produced a spoken word record of Oswald's Marxist script taken mostly from a New Orleans TV interview.

Walker in Oswald's phone book

Walker in Oswald's phone book

Pretend Marxist Lee Harvey Oswald hangs around with radical right wing extremists like Guy Bannister and Carlos Bringuier in New Orleans. Naturally, the "lone" assassin who the Warren Commission told us was a devotee of communism keeps the contact information for General Edwin Walker in his address book. A false flag operation by the Right hoped the assassination would be blamed on Castro communists.

Lee Oswald fined $10

Lee Oswald fined $10

Oswald is an intelligence target

Oswald is an intelligence target

Oswald is the target of US intelligence agencies, not an intelligence operative - although he may have thought himself as a CIA spy. Plenty of documentary evidence exists showing US intelligence services spied on Lee Harvey Oswald. We know of no documentary evidence showing US intelligence services employed Lee Harvey Oswald. Does the CIA spy on itself?

Banister Yellow Page ad

Banister Yellow Page ad

Theatrical pro-Castro communist Lee Harvey Oswald hangs out in New Orleans with John Birch Society activist and rabid-anti-communist Guy Banister.

Oswald's fascination with James Bond

Oswald's fascination with James Bond

Oswald was no intelligence operative. Oswald imagined himself an intelligence operative. His summer in New Orleans includes reading and re-reading spy novels.

James Hosty v. Lee Harvey Oswald

James Hosty v. Lee Harvey Oswald

FBI Agent James Hosty was tracking Lee Harvey Oswald for most of 1963. Hosty becomes very defensive over accusations he should have recognized a potential presidential assassin.

Walker leads the Minutemen

Walker leads the Minutemen

In 1963 the extremist right was a top FBI concern. The Minutemen trained as assassin squads in the event of a communist takeover and were implicated by Jim Garrison in the Kennedy assassination.

Oswald in Mexico City

Oswald in Mexico City

After an eventful summer in 1963 New Orleans, Oswald returns to Dallas in the fall - via Mexico City. This is the CIA cable memorializing Oswald's attempts to get a visa for travel to Cuba and the USSR. We believe this is an effort to sheep dip Oswald as a radical pro-Castro communist and do not believe the CIA would send secret cables like this about it's own agent. The CIA was always perplexed about Oswald according to the evidence.

Walker's Group in Action

Walker's Group in Action

General Walker thought the UN was an agency of communist subversion. He organized a violent protest for UN Ambassador Adlai Stevenson's October 1963 visit to Dallas.

General Walker's disciples

General Walker's disciples

General Walker organized a violent reception for UN Ambassador Adlai Stevenson's visit to Dallas a month before the Kennedy assassination. Larrie Schmidt manages the youth division of Walker's extreme rightest activities in Dallas.

Jesse Curry's practice run

Jesse Curry's practice run

DPD Chief Jesse Curry practiced justifying failed police protection a month before Kennedy's visit.

Nominal police protection

Nominal police protection

The DPD used Adlai Stevenson's October 1963 visit to practice visible but ineffective executive protection.



General Walker's youth group led by Larrie Schmidt gain courage and pride in their hostility towards Adlai Stevenson a month before JFK's visit.

Assault on Adlai Stevenson

Assault on Adlai Stevenson

UN Ambassador Adlai Stevenson assaulted in Dallas with a picket sign by Walker Group operative Cora Frederickson weeks before Kennedy's visit.

The Walker Group

The Walker Group

DPD resources were well aware of General Walker's violent group in Dallas.

Walker & Milteer

Walker & Milteer

General Edwin Walker appears in Joseph Milteer's papers. Milteer is on tape in early November 1963 explaining how JFK's death would occur and why Oswald's ignorance makes him the perfect patsy.

Walker stoked anti-Kennedy sentiment

Walker stoked anti-Kennedy sentiment

Young conservatives

Young conservatives

DPD knew General Walker's group was organizing in the Dallas area around the time of the assassination.

"Something was being planned..."

"Something was being planned..."

Nellie Doyle's prophecy

Nellie Doyle's prophecy

Unrecognized Dallas citizen Nellie Doyle wrote the Kennedy White House warning of the city's violence and hate.

Cambridge newspaper tip

Cambridge newspaper tip

Evidence suggests the upcoming death of President Kennedy was known in some circles.

Minutemen poster in Dallas

Minutemen poster in Dallas

In September of 1963, the Radical Right in Dallas commanded by General Walker's Minutemen produced Wanted posters for Nikita Khrushchev. Note similarity to JFK wanted for treason handbills in adjacent image.

JFK Wanted for Treason handbill

JFK Wanted for Treason handbill

General Walker and friends created 10000 handbills accusing Kennedy of treason. Note similarity to the Minutemen-produced poster in adjacent image.

Welcome to Dallas ad

Welcome to Dallas ad

General Edwin Walker organized a black-bordered newspaper ad welcoming JFK to Dallas.

Inernational Distress Signal

Inernational Distress Signal

The American flag at General Walker's house on Turtle Creek in Dallas flies upside down during Kennedy's visit to Texas.

CD7 unredacted John Hill plot

CD7 unredacted John Hill plot

The money to kill JFK came from wealthy businessmen.

Joseph Milteer predicted the assassination and knew Oswald's role was to deflect attention away from "the patriots."

General Walker was identified as a threat by the Secret Service before JFK's visit. 

The extreme Right was very concerned that the Kennedy assassination might effect their guns.  This is from a Minutemen newsletter.

How does General Walker know Lee Harvey Oswald's passport details and travel plans?

A rifle shot nearly hit General Walker on 10APR63 while he was sitting at his desk in his home.  The right wing media complex immediately blamed a communist conspiracy. Likewise, General Walker, FBI Agent Hosty, and Carlos Bringuier insist for the rest of their lives that a communist conspiracy killed JFK.

Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev believed JFK was assassinated by the "American Right Wing" and the Dallas Police Department.

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